A complete identity overhaul for Barcelona-based power consulting startup eRoots.
An accessible solution for dry erase marker management. With personality.
My work as publicist for Redshift, the digital publications club at Stevens.
A top-down 3D puzzle game in Unreal. Also see the blog documenting the game's development!
Covers for zines and other publications.
Dynamically computer-generated schematics for multi-layered shadowboxes.
Custom packaging designs for more robust art objects.
Structuring information though movement.
An animated short film combining a variety of different software.
Pieces I've made as a general fine arts practice.
Designing exhibitions, from initial concepts to final deliverables.
Horror-themed posters on negative effects of social media.
Conveying narratives and structuring imagination via sound.
Filming and editing real-world footage and audio.
Creating objects in digital space using various modeling programs.
An exercise in rebranding, based on an existing company's image.
The Ismail-Sutherland Apparatus
A scratch-built simulated toy CPU.
A generative zine for quirky little guys in TTRPGs, using p5.js and AI.